Jumat, 26 Januari 2018

vidio missions 1

Typical food pontianak


Typical food of West Kalimantan is made of smoothed rice, then in oseng without oil. Then added a variety of vegetables such as kale, ferns, leaves kesum, carrots, yams, and other spices.


Foods made from raw sago are not only popular in eastern Indonesia. In West Kalimantan, Sago is used as ingredients to make noodles. This food is also a typical Malay food in Pontianak.pembeda sago noodle typical of West Kalimantan with another. Sago Noodle Typical West Kalimantan uses broth sauce as a complement. While from other regions are usually served dry.

3.lempok durian
Durian clay is one of traditional culinary of West Kalimantan like dodol made from durian. This one is very famous snack and can be found in various cities in West Kalimantan, especially in Pontianak.

Durian shell is originally a utilization of abundant durian meat during the harvest season in Pontianak, so that made a variety of food for the utilization of the durian meat is not wasted - - vain. Along with its development, Lempok began to grow and become one of the typical food in West Kalimantan.

Durian shell itself is made of durian fruit flesh and sugar for natural preservatives. In the process of making, the meat is removed in the durian and in the waste contents

lemang is a food snacks typical of Dayak and Malay tribe is no exception in the city of Pontianak. Foods made from glutinous rice cooked in bamboo shoots coated with banana leaves with coconut milk water are sometimes also filled with red beans. Bamboo contains glutinous rice is then cooked by burning.

4. Cucur Typical of West Borneo

This is one of the 
traditional cakes or snacks that are in Pontianak., Its round shape with small serrations beside it, makes this food unique. Cucur Typical of West 
Kalimantan is very fitting in serving as a friend to drink tea.

Selasa, 23 Januari 2018

food review


Lemang is a snack that is found in several areas in Sumatra including Bengkulu. Enjoying snacks cooked in this bamboo tube will be more delicious if accompanied by sauce tapai black sticky rice and brown sugar.
In the city of Bengkulu try you walk along Rupat River Road, West Lingkar Village, District Selebar precisely to Pagar Dewa Village. Here you will find dozens of small stalls selling lemang snacks.

Usually traders fix the price of Rp 5,000 per stem with a length of about 40 centimeters. If you want to buy black glutinous tapai sauce or brown sugar, you also just pay Rp 5,000 per glass.

Lemang made from sticky rice mixed with coconut milk then put into bamboo. The bamboo is then burned. Cooking methods like that result in taste and aroma is very typical, like Indonesia past.

Choosing a used bamboo is also not haphazard. Bamboo is needed is thick bamboo because it must be burnt resistant. If thin-skinned can damage the flavor itself itself.

Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017

My Dream

Peace be upon you, may peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you

In every human life must have stories, including me. I work as a security guard, and why am I going to go to college? In addition to studying in college, I also have ideals want to change fate. The problem is whether or not I always surrendered to Allah SWT. Let no matter what kind of business we do without Ridho Allah SWT it seems impossible to achieve, because Allah knows more what is best for his people. Even if I am after college and get a college degree remains a security guard, I sincerely, maybe this is my best rizky road. That is all and thank you.

And peace be upon you, may peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you

Sabtu, 30 September 2017

My Simple Picture

My Simple Picture 

  • Live like Coconut tree

Location : Untan, Fakultas ekonomi & Bisnis ,Pontianak West borneo.


We must live like a coconut trees ,form root to shoots is very useful, if we apply in our lives , then we will be useful and compelling for other people . simple right ?


Kita harus hidup seperti pohon kelapa , dari akar hingga pucuk nya sangat berguna , jika kite menrapkan di kehidupan kita , maka akan berguna dan bermanfaat bagi orang lain . sederhana kan ?

  • Friends.                                  

location : A class , FEB ,Universitas Tanjung Pura , Pontianak , West borneo 

English ,
This picture has take on our first collage , they are my new friends , our age is indeed diferent enough far , be friends with anyone as long as they can make you do things that are positive, do not be discriminating let alone degrading someone. like the proverbial "dont just a book by it's cover".


Foto ini di ambil pada hari pertama kami masuk kuliah , mereka adalah teman baru saya ,umur kita memang berbeda cukup jauh. berteman lah dengan siapa saja asal kan mereka bisa membuat mu melakukan hal hal yang  positif, jangan lah membedabedakan apalagi merendahkan seseorang . seperti pepatah "dont just a book by it's cover ".

  • Mosque of Raya Mujahidin 

Location : Jl. Ahmad yani 1 , Pontianak West borneo 

English ,
The name of this mujahidin mosque is transmitted by achmad mawar djafar with the thought of perpetuating the struggle of the Muslims in the collective arena of presenting Indonesian independence, especially in West Kalimantan. They mean, the Mujahideen as a monument to the struggle of the ummah.

Indonesia ,

Nama dari masjid mujahidin ini di utuskan oleh achmad mawar djafar dengan pemikiran mengabadikan perjuangan kaum muslim dalam kancah kolektif mempersembahkan kemerdekaan Indonesia, khususnya di Kalimantan Barat. Mereka maksudkan, Mujahidin sebagai monumen perjuangan ummat.

  • Garbage

Location : JL . Sepakat II ,Pontianak  West Borneo

English ,

garbage is our problem from the past, rubbish is very disturbing if not dispose of in its place. it will cause floods and disease outbreaks. so if you are a good citizen then throw garbage in place

Indonesia ,

Sampah adalah masalah kita dari dahulu , sampah sangat mengganggu jika tidak di buang pada tempat nya . itu akan menyebabkan banjir dan wabah penyakit . jadi jika kamu warga yang baik maka buanglah sampah pada tempatnya.

Thats all my simple picture , thank you, and see you in next post

Kamis, 14 September 2017

Jemi Ibrahim

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh.

First of all, introduce my name Jemi Ibrahim. I am 37 years old now. My residence is on Adisucipto street 15 km, Sungai Raya. More precisely in front of the immigration office. My regular job as a security guard. As a security guard I am always ready to take care of motorcycles, cars, and the entire Faculty of Economics and Business.

My hobbies are sports, like soccer, volley ball and table tennis. The regular exercise I play is table tennis. For me sport is very important, because in a healthy body there is a strong soul.

In sports such as football, volley ball and table tennis in addition to strengthening the physical, can also be a medium to strengthen togetherness. Because in this sport can train cooperation, cohesiveness, obey the rules, even teach us to respect each other even with the opponent in the game. Without mutual respect, the victory in the game is meaningless because the victory is only temporary. But if you win in a state of mutual respect, the victory will be a beautiful memory for us even our opponents.

My motivation to enter the university of Tanjungpura University Faculty of Economics and Business Department of Economics Development Studies want to gain knowledge and improve Human Resources. I want to get more knowledge through this lecture, so that my knowledge and understanding can continue to grow. I hope to get a bunch of knowledge from the lecturers, so that I can become a more useful human being for more people.

After finishing college and earning a bachelor's degree hopefully my career is much improved, Amin. Thank you and Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh.